Out of the Peaceable Kingdom: The Three Roles of the ESL Teacher

Reclaiming The Language for Social Justice

By John Wolfe and Rita Platt

Not too many years ago, the ESL classroom was a space apart. It often served as a warm refuge from what were often unreasonable demands of the rest of the school day. It was its own corner of the school characterized by diversity, acceptance, and comprehensible input. Sounds good, right? And, maybe it was good while the students where in that little peaceable kingdom.

So, why did so many of us become uncomfortable with the system as it was? We realized that creating a space apart for our services didn’t meet the learning needs of ESL students in the rest of the school or out in wider the world. We realized that our students didn’t need a refuge from the world as much as they needed tools and advocacy to be successful there.

Today the roles and responsibilities of the ESL teacher have been…

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